What Levi-Strauss is saying here is that his approach to myth is itself only a version of the myth.
But this very critique leveled against Levi-Strauss, he could have found in Levi-Strauss and does find it on other occasions.
take a look at page 917, the left-hand column, where Derrida is talking not about Levi-Strauss but about Saussure.
Derrida, I think, freely acknowledges in this essay the degree to which he is standing on Levi-Strauss's shoulders.
This is what Levi-Strauss says in taken from one of Levi-Strauss' most famous books] The Raw and the Cooked.
There is a self-consciousness in the thinking about structure that we find in many places in Levi-Strauss that Derrida freely acknowledges in his essay.
Levi-Strauss was there. He gave a talk, he was in the audience, as a kind of dethroning of Levi-Strauss.
So this is Levi-Strauss' argument, and Derrida is interested in it because he recognizes its affinity with his own hesitation in talking about events, births, emergence and so on.
Then, of course, he moved on to Paris where he knew Claude Levi-Strauss and influenced him and, ultimately, to the United States.
Levi-Strauss is repudiating the father and, in repudiating the father, showing himself to fall into the very mythic pattern that Freud had been the first to analyze.
Levi-Strauss writes: Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life, language could only have been born in one fell swoop.
So it is not anything like, even as one reads it in retrospect, a wholesale repudiation or even really a very devastating critique of Levi-Strauss.
Levi-Strauss' famous book, The Raw and the Cooked, essentially stages this critique in and of itself.
It was an event that was really meant to be a kind of coronation of Claude Levi-Strauss, whose work had burst upon the American scene only a few years earlier.
Now I do want to go back to the relationship between Derrida and Levi-Strauss.
In other words, Levi-Strauss's conclusions are already anticipated in Freud.
They are thonic, or "autochthonous" in Levi-Strauss' word.
It deploys and manipulates those gross constituent units of thought in the ways that we saw, but notice what Levi-Strauss is saying in that essay as opposed to the passage Derrida has just quoted.
So there is a certain pattern in--and of course, I invoke this pattern in arguing that Levi-Strauss's version of the Oedipus myth betrays his Oedipus complex in relation to Freud.
What he quotes from Levi-Strauss would seem, on the face of it, to have exactly the same kinds of reservation and hesitation about the emergence or birth of language that Derrida himself has.
I have to tell you that Levi-Strauss, who is still alive, a very old man, expresses great bitterness in his old age about what he takes to be the displacement of the importance of his own work by what happened subsequently.
In other words, here is a moment when Levi-Strauss is admitting something about his own work which he is not admitting in his analysis of the Oedipus myth in the essay from Structural Anthropology that you read last time.
Again and again and again he quotes Levi-Strauss in confirmation of his own arguments, only then in a way to turn on him by pointing out that there is something even in what he's saying there that he hasn't quite thought through.
Furthermore, what is Levi-Strauss doing?
Take, for example, page 924 over onto 925 when he quotes from Levi-Strauss' introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss on the subject of the birth, event, or emergence of language.