So Klawans argues, and I quote, that "sacrifice involves in part the controlled exercise of complete power over an animal's life and death."
So Klawans argues that the process of sacrifice, which grants the offerer complete control over life and death, is a kind of imitatio dei.
So, the mere fact, if it is a fact, suppose the facts about life and death are as I've described them.
Sovereign is to have supreme command over life and death, war and peace, what is to be taught and heard.
That belief in Christ is to some a matter of life and death has been a stumbling block for readers who would prefer to think it a matter of no great consequence.
And the question is how does poverty fit into that question of life issues, with the prolife, with the death penalty.
The attempt failed and, saddened by Eurydice's death, Orpheus spent the rest of his life avoiding the company of women.
One sort of opens up the beginning of life here and the other closes it down through a referencing of death.
Here is a philosopher in life and in death who adhered to the principles of his philosophy.
He is of the same race as the gods, and at the same time his life is short and death is final, and death is bad.
All the sick people will come to you to buy life insurance and they will turn out to have a higher death rate than the population at large.
In other places, infectious disease is a much bigger part of their life and a much greater risk of death from infectious diseases and parasitic diseases if you live in places other than the U. S. or Western Europe, for example.
And these are all spoken of in terms that are analogous to terms used to describe God as the shepherd of his flock of Israel and in control of life and death and so on.
For all comic novels that are any good must be about matters of life and death.
What is the appropriate response to the facts ? about life and death?
It made me think about life and death in a new way.
I haven't seen any good evidence for life after death, so I'm not a believer, and I think death is the end.
It symbolizes the victory of the forces of life, oath and holiness over death and impurity.
See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and adversity.
Politics, for him, is less a matter of prudential decisions of better and worse, than it is, you might say, an existential decision of choosing life or death.