So if you had some number back in grade school like 123, well, why do we express this as 123?
and he had his hands like this but he didn't have a sign. He was holding it as if he had a sign
OK. The thing I want you to take away from this, then, is to think of this as, this is, if you like, a recipe.
As soon as you allow anything to mix, like you might if you want to do any chemistry, entropy changes.
I'm sure there's some upper limit as there are to most things, like if we think of wavelengths and different types of light, there is so large that you can get, but you would be approaching that level.
And there is no way to explain this phenomenon if you model the water as having particle-like properties.
And so over the course of the century, you can see a gradual -- as if something like this could actually be charted.
There's a kind of puzzle there as to-- even if, before we move to the question, how widespread are cases like this?
The advantage of introducing that guy is that if you like, I can now write an equation for the acceleration as a vector.
stay there because who knows, there are 20 million other things I might have said, but instead let me give you the opportunity to ask questions that you would like to raise, particularly if you want to ask about how they fought, as long as we have a phalanx here we might as well use it if we need too.
It's like, if you were to take it separately as a city from Manhattan,
If you can genetically engineer viruses like this and viruses have all those good properties as gene therapy vehicles that I described.
If you would like to flag them as private, because you just don't want your classmates to see what you're asking, you can certainly do that.
Most of the people are -if you're not accredited as an investor it's like the government doesn't respect you; it's like they're treating you like children.
Another is how much it's processed and how if you take things that started out as food like wheat or corn, and then they're processed many different ways, and things are added to them or done to them that change their chemical properties, does that affect whether we would consider them food?
Even they had to go into a role, just like in Zimbardo, they had to play their role of 1959 as if they were 20 years younger.
It's as if that word really embodies the feel of this novel, Vivian Darkbloom and so, like "Vivian Darkbloom," that word suggests the permeability--not just of fiction and the real--but of these narrative layers. Where is Nabokov?
If you want to get like As, you have to work hard for it.
You may remember that I had suggested in the lecture on the Nativity Ode that Milton may have thought of his career as if it were something like a race.
Satan's saying that before the war in heaven, God's power just seemed like any other king's power, as if God sat on the throne of heaven merely because of those humanly constructed reasons of tradition, or of old repute or consent or custom.
And I can obviously do the other direction which is I can say skip to index 2 and all the remaining pieces. This lets me slice out, if you like, the front part or back part or a middle part of the tuple as I go along.
.. It's one thing to have-- it's not to say that the best-- if you want your life to be like the plot of a great story, it's not as though you think, " "All right, the denouement must occur at the very last page."
So, the optimal thing to do if you live in a world like this n is to get n as large possible and you can reduce the standard deviation of the portfolio very much and there's no cost in terms of expected return.
Like if you're one of the people who hasn't been writing down things as you go along, and then you enter things at the end of the day, and I suspect that's the majority of you, you may have entered things into your record and then later gone and said, oh I forgot, I had this thing!
So if this is true do something else, true otherwise test and see if this is true, do something else, as many as I like followed by the end.