To give a text an Author is to impose a limit on that text, to furnish it with a final signified, to close the writing.
then yes, you can progress. But there is a limit. There definitely is a limit.
I'm sure there's some upper limit as there are to most things, like if we think of wavelengths and different types of light, there is so large that you can get, but you would be approaching that level.
God saw that he had to limit the life span of humans, or risk creating an enemy that was nearly equal to him.
These gas ions, if you take gas ions, these gas ions, if you take gas ions, gas ions of opposite charge will necessarily agglomerate without limit.
Physiologists ran tests, showing, proving scientifically the limit of human ability was running the mile in 4 minutes.
That limit will be some arrow we can call the velocity at the time and it will always be tangent to the curve.
Okay, so way over the protein limit even though the intake of meat isn't so high.
This is the slope. f is just the limit.
As always with philosophy, there's more complicated versions of dualism where maybe the interaction doesn't work both ways, but let's just limit ourselves to good, old-fashioned, two-way interactionist dualism.
It says that function, f of x, is bounded above here's an upper limit on it, that this grows no faster than quadratic in n, n squared.
It tells how--there's a conforming loan limit that is a limit on how much Fannie and Freddie -how big a mortgage they can make to one homeowner.
Seek fame, we all want that,and I'll say more about that, but you can't push it too far, there has to be some kind of a reasonable human limit to what you do.
because it's just so fascinating to not limit myself to one field
So we're going to limit in our discussion in 511-1 for molecular orbital theory to diatomic molecules.
A new sense of the limit of the possible was being born in me."