If you look across, you'll see the music stores that better be able to like...
What Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland did was look at how much the consumption correlates-- the movement from year to year-- correlate across countries.
I don't know it positively. I'm about to give an example of this which I hope will flesh out what I'm trying to get across; let's look at a couple of passages in Saussure that may make the point.
So I am willing to introduce these ideas but A, because it's not my training and people who are focusing on cultural differences will do a much better job than I do; and second, because what I hope to look into is the universal, things are common across cultures.
Even if you come home about two or 2:30 in the morning near our apartment you can still see rather large rats dashing across the street; some of them look so bloated they look like sangliers, or wild boar, which you can see occasionally in parts of rural France.