Derrida is claiming that language is different in the sense that it makes no sense to talk about it as standing outside of what's going on.
If our estimates are off then the hypothesis makes no sense, so maybe there's no relationship between dietary fat and breast cancer.
Many of us think that given the valuable and precious thing that life is, suicide makes no sense.
But that makes no sense at all given that you don't want to "Bring home to Mama."
And this makes no sense.
That makes no sense.
I mean, quantum mechanics makes sense to no human being, in my view. In those areas, people are inclined to do sort of strange things.
We know that it has to be equal to less than 2, because even if we had absolutely no shielding at 2 all, the highest z effective we could have is 2, so it makes perfect sense that we have a z effective that falls somewhere in the middle of those two.
It makes no sense to think that it could try to kill the people who are trying to shut it down and so forth."
It makes no sense to think a computer could have said, I'm afraid.
And in fact, makes no sense at all.
Because in doing that, Python would then have a value that it could pass on into some other part of a computation, and if it wasn't what I wanted, I might be a long ways downstream in the computation before I actually hit some result that makes no sense.