With the computer today, you can, for the most part, not represent every possible number that mankind can think of.
It's from that story we have the idea that mankind is responsible or has dominion over the animals and the earth.
The first sentence of your passage: "There is no art but one delivered to mankind that hath not the works of nature for his principal object."
She stills the gall of wearisome hate and under her influence all life among mankind is harmonious and does well."
What Milton is primarily interested in in his Nativity Ode is the redemption, the promise of what Christ's Nativity will do at some future point for mankind.
He's not about to let mankind off the hook with Judgment Day.
Are the philosophers or are the poets you might say the true legislators for mankind ?! if you want to use Shelley's dictum?
The Greeks, however, combined a unique sense of mankind's high place in the natural order.
It is a claim already, and as you've seen in Aristotle, towards the end of the history of the free polis, it is something necessary for mankind.
Which one legislates for mankind ? at the time of Socrates?
Here we have arrived at a second sharp break with the general experience of mankind.
It claims actually to shape the character of mankind.
In a famous passage from chapter 11 he posits, as he puts it, "a general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire " of power after power that ceaseth only in death."
It should be taught from the universities and from this conversation will be sprinkled upon the people. Hobbes' hope, like that of all the great political philosophers, was to be a kind of legislator for mankind.
Does he not therefore as much accuse mankind by ?" his action as I do by my words?" You can see the mischievousness of Hobbes in that delightful passage. What about you, he says, and this is not in some kind of state of nature.