If you are interested by contrast in new Aces and fun toys our friends at Aces which is a hardware manufacturer which makes things like motherboards which are the innards of computers and other things.
Well I'm relying on the contract, if you like, that the manufacturer of square root put together, which is, if I know I'm giving it two floats, which I do because I make sure they're floats, the contract, if you like, of square root says I'll give you back a float.
You can take commercial foods, like Wheaties, and go to the manufacturer and try to figure out how many boxes of these things are produced.
The CDC can buy this from the manufacturer for a lower price, and when you hear about government organizations distributing vaccines to different parts of the world, they're buying at a reduced rate but it's still not inexpensive.
For example, Frito-Lay, before they really had to because of bad publicity, took out all of the Trans fats in their products and that was -they're the largest snack manufacturer in the world so that was a pretty significant advance for the healthiness of their foods.