So maybe - and here thinking about the pancreas has many functions but one of its important functions is to secrete insulin.
p1 V1 Initial find -- there are many ways p2 V2 V1 I can get from one state to the other.
So, some people in their day-to-day lives have many interactions and I think one of the things we know from interacting with people is we can distinguish them from other people.
Well, there are many factors, but one important factor is, the rise of the Internet has competed with -people used to buy The Wall Street Journal to get data like this.
So the problem I want to do-- there are many things you could do but I just picked one, and this is the one with round numbers, so I can do it without a calculator.
Well, one reason to do this is because on each post-synaptic neuron there might be many axons coming together at once, and each one might be generating a different kind of signal, through maybe even different neurotransmitters.
嗯 一个原因是在每个,突触后神经元上可能有,许多同时到达的轴突,每个都可能通过不同的神经递质,产生不同的信号
I think the answer is to be found, or at least one answer-- the truth is there are many answers-- in that they are just terribly interesting, but that's very much of a-- what's the word I want, the opposite of objective subjective observation by me.
We were in many, many arguments-- We got into many, many arguments and one time something happened where he came up to my car in a parking lot and he was yelling at me through the window.