It is merely to assert that so far as any body of references is undistorted it belongs to Science.
iterature cannot merely be received as a definite unit of referential meaning that can be decoded without leaving a residue.
We're not being merely churlish, I think, if we want to ask why someone would want to write a poem in such a form.
In fact, he called them "Beast machines" and said animals, nonhuman animals are merely robots, but people are different.
And here I mean not merely, well, logically speaking, you know, of course you can reject any premise of any argument.
What this equation merely says is that the present value of your remaining payments is always equal to the mortgage balance.
The idea of going into battle is not merely to avoid being killed; the purpose is to kill the other fellow.
in a positive world bettering sort of way, or is that merely sort of nonsense to think about?
And therefore as a system, the difference between Israel's God and the gods of Israel's neighbors was not merely quantitative. It was qualitative.
What difference would it make between those two things, between knowing that heart and merely feeling it?
For instance, you sitting there may be merely my dream, and I may be your nightmare.
This is somebody being tortured at the stake for merely existing, for having not confessed to being a Protestant or a Catholic or whatever.
This raises a question. Whether the relation between contemporary political science and liberalism is merely accidental or whether there is some intrinsic some necessary connection between them.
I merely recognized two things.
often a biologist can discriminate between different kinds of cells that they see in section of a tissue for example, merely by its shape and the characteristics that it has.
It's a kind of imprisonment, understanding, and when Heidegger says, wouldn't it be great not to have to merely understand?
It's possible that in merely reading and in merely amassing more and more knowledge, Milton's doing little more than the unprofitable servant in Matthew 25.
A very old, very wrong view of evolution is that evolution has shaped animals such that they're merely survival machines.
The nymphs, of course, are powerless, and worse than that, the nymphs, as we know and of course as John Milton knew, are merely fictions. This is all made up.
One who concerns himself with it more than the subject is an artist. But remember we are still talking merely of the raw material of poetry.
When you speak about Greeks you will be speaking about something more than merely the fact that they spoke a certain language.
It's merely limiting the number of gods worshipped to one, but it houses that God in a temple. It offers him sacrifices and so on.
It is now recombined in its very atoms, not merely in its visible and superficial parts.
Another kind of monoline insurance is health insurance company that merely insures people against health costs, and another important category is life insurance.
Some of them have to do with merely digesting food and moving the body around, and making the heart beat,and the lungs open and close.
.. It's not merely the fact-- it's not merely true that you're going to die.