When we brought US$1.2 million back to China, it was like peanuts comparing to a lot of other Internet startups in China.
> In any case, that high school has like $10 million worth of computer equipment apparently in the front of it.
Pardon? 17 million. Computers are fast, fortunately. Well, that's a lot of calls.
A natural person refers to a human being, so it's $5 million for natural persons and $25 million for institutions.
The revenue, we're generating over a million dollars a month in revenue, and well more, and that way covers our expenses and we're not even doing anything cool yet.
But imagine doing crossword puzzles every day for 10 years, 1,000 years, a million years, a billion years, a trillion years.
So, the most connected one would be the one for whom the quarter million are, on average, the most connected to.
One is if you have to coordinate how you're going to give this vaccine to two million children across the U.S.
I bring a million preconceptions to bear on what I take to be a simple act of looking.
Eleven dollars per part at 12.5 million cars and trucks came to a total cost of $137 million to improve the safety.
I think almost 20,000 on that day died, and in the Battle of the Somme, as it unfolded, there were a million casualties.
So if you divide by $10 million, that's a lot of money for each employee.
Aluminum is 25 million tons per year for the whole planet.
So, I already said what the number of square miles that were increased, but it increases from six to sixteen million of the population.
And that right now we can no longer afford to incarcerate, see, more than two million people, and take them not only out of workforce, but keeping them away from information of knowledge of literacy.
You've got a picture of somebody's face, it's a million pixels. Each pixel has a range of values from zero to 256. I want to hash a face with some function into an integer.