If they're sending out money, the value of the company has to go down by whatever they sent out.
But if the loan to value ratio is greater than one, they won't be able to get all the money back.
But one reason why they ask for money is if you don't pay for therapy you don't think it has any value.
When they created margin rules that the seller had to be borrowing against securities. Just made more money when securities went up more value.
The value of money changes through time because of inflation or deflation; yet, most of our debts are written in money terms.
So, they are selling widgets or whatever and making money-- the value of the company is the present value of that cash flow.
Some people have a reaction-- if you say you're taking a course in finance they think that maybe you're selling out or maybe you value money too much and that you should really be in some other field.
We talked about the sense that, I think, young people have a sort of prejudice against the field and they think that finance is a field that you go into if you really value money rather than people.
A corporation is an entity that could be sued or could lose more money than it's worth, but the value of a corporation can never fall below zero to the investors because the investors are not liable for the mistakes of the corporation.