It's fitting that the first poem of Milton's that we study in this class is "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity."
The nativity of Christ, as you can imagine, was a popular subject for early seventeenth-century poets for pious early seventeenth-century poets.
The Nativity Ode is continually presenting the speaker with temptations, with incitements to sin that need to be purged from the speaker's poetic voice.
And under this title, "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity," appears as you can see from your text -- appears the subtitle, "composed 1629."
The second section runs from stanzas nine through seventeen, and it characterizes the song that the heavenly choir sings at the moment of the Nativity.
With this first poem treating the subject of the nativity of Christ, Milton is able implicitly to announce something like his own nativity as a poet.
When in 1645 Milton finally publishes that first volume of poetry, the first poem that he places in this volume is the Nativity Ode, our poem today.
First, in the first eight stanzas you have Milton describing the scene of the Nativity and the effect that the birth of this new infant has on the natural world.
With the scene of the flight of the pagan gods at the nativity of Christ Milton is also depicting a scenario that, I think, on some level he's hoping will occur within himself.
The poem on the morning of Christ's nativity serves as Milton's preparation for something greater than itself.
You know that Milton had been entertaining this fantasy of becoming a great biblical prophet like Isaiah as early as the Nativity Ode.
The focus of the Nativity Ode isn't even really on the Incarnation that's the theological doctrine of divinity's descent into humanity, how God becomes a mortal.
What Milton is primarily interested in in his Nativity Ode is the redemption, the promise of what Christ's Nativity will do at some future point for mankind.
as we've seen, establishing a fiction that works to place himself at the scene of a nativity that obviously occurs 1600 years and change before his own birth.
You may remember that I had suggested in the lecture on the Nativity Ode that Milton may have thought of his career as if it were something like a race.
But there's an important and, I think, a very real sense in which Milton wanted to make it seem as if the Nativity Ode were the first poem that he had written.
So Milton implies to Diodati that he isn't yet up to the task of epic, but as he describes the Nativity Ode that he's just written, it's almost as if he considers it something of a mini-epic.
There's also an important and, I think, a very real sense in which Milton wanted to make it seem and obviously this is a much more difficult feat wanted to make it seem as if the Nativity Ode were the first poem that anyone had written.
Milton naturally wrote his friend letters in impeccable Latin verse, and this one he seems to have composed almost immediately after having written, having completed,the Nativity Ode.
But before he can actually be made present at the actual event of the Nativity, he has to endure something painful and obviously momentous: "from out his secret Altar toucht with hallow'd fire."
And this is exquisitely visible to us in the Nativity Ode.
The Nativity for Milton is purely an anticipatory event.
Christ, whose Nativity Milton is honoring, is still just a baby.
For next time, make sure that you will have read at the very least Milton's great poem, and he wrote it when he was only twenty-one years old, "The Ode on Christ's Nativity."
But we'll be focusing on what we call "The Nativity Ode."
From Milton's first major poem, the Nativity Ode.
Milton clearly wants us to know that this Nativity Ode was written by a young Londoner in 1629, but it's a poem that is at the same time deliverable to the infant Christ by some extraordinary violation, of course, of all of the established laws of temporal sequence.