That was a story that surely was near and dear to the hearts of Many ancient Israelites and Ancient Near Eastern listeners, so all the elements are there for the retelling of that story.
A subject that's near and dear to my heart. Being an English teacher, it is my worst nightmare.
There is a wonderful archaeological discovery of a boundary stone near Athens on which it is written on one side, this is Athens, it is not Megara.
If you bring a plus charge near a plus charge, if my body m, has a plus charge and another plus charge is there, it'll feel a force due to that.
如果让两个正电荷靠近,如果一个物体 m 带正电荷,在这里有另一个正电荷,它就会感受到力的作用
Which is just to say, we need to offer a biological/physical explanation of what goes on in near-death experiences.
Now, texts from Ancient Near Eastern cultures suggest that a central function of the rituals that were performed in sanctuaries was to secure the perpetual aid and blessing of a well-disposed deity.
Well, it was published originally as an article in 1979, but this is also near the end of a period of flourishing that Derrida's essay inaugurates, and other things have begun to become crucial.
And 72 hours by train he found himself on a huge cotton plantation, near Pickensville, Alabama, on the in west central Alabama, on the Mississippi border, at 14-years-old.
The famous beautiful,fabulous, fabulous Monastery Church of Cluny is up near Macon, right here,had been destroyed and they tried to-- they restored a couple of the remaining towers.
There is a story that near the end of his life, Aristotle was himself brought up on capital charges, as was Socrates, due to another wave of hostility to philosophy.
If you head up around, like Clement, near like Arguello, like just a couple blocks south of the Presidio,
I'm going to start somewhere near the middle of the code. Again, a lot of times, people don't do that.
And, that's a good thing to know because if you come out with an answer that's somewhere near the diameter of the universe and it's supposed to be the diameter of an atom, then you will know that you probably made a mistake.
He was a good runner, top runner, but nowhere near the 4 minutes mark.
There's a mid-term exam halfway through and a final exam at the end, and there's a term paper which is due near the end of the course.
If we didn't have financial arrangements, then the people near the impact would be in a terrible economic situation and the people on the other side would be much better off.