It kind of knows people are going to ask how do you get from Boston to New York City.
I mean it is still like a real big cultural mecca for African American people in New York City.
But that's what the intelligence community we've picked this up and say there may be something going on in New York city.
You have those shower moments or you're walking at midnights in some town in New York City and you've got this amazing brand-new ideas.
And if smallpox was somehow introduced into a city like New York City, what would happen?
I think one critism that I would have now, of the changes that are happening in New York City
Yeah, I like that, the design of the museum. It's different than the other ones in New York City.
Now, you may know that New York City and other places around the country have enacted regulations to stop Trans fats being served in restaurants.
So this mayor has made it cheaper and easier, more cooperative to make movies in New York City.
Lots of stuff going on, lots of people that come to New York City, they like to come to look at the campus.
One of every two people in New York City in 1852 was born outside the United States.
在1852年 纽约市每两个人中,就有一个不是美国本土出生
If you transfer this ratio to a city like New York City, with 8 million people.
Two hours,you can be on a damn train to New York City and you'll be lucky if you get eighty miles in two hours, or an hour and fifty minutes.
So, can you tell us about famous attractions in New York City and why they are famous?
To survive in New York City, the most important thing is to watch your back always.
Can you give some advice for those who want to be musicians in New York City?