These are examples of Biomedical Engineering of the future that expand on what we currently use, which involves to no small extent, technology like this.
We had no chance whatsoever. Our odds were this small.
It's by no means clear that The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner will end with "Love all things, great and small things."
They ended up moving to a small town and no longer engaged in subsistence agriculture, if his parents had, or his grandparents.
In the real world, no one's going to measure it instantaneously, but we can make the difference as small as we like.
You'll note -- and there's no reason you need to read more of this, but the Hughe edition only includes a small portion of the actual pamphlet So this treatise as a whole is Milton's defense of these six Presbyterian ministers who wrote a treatise criticizing the authoritarian structure of the English church.