In fact, the assets that the Norwegian Government owns is about two-thirds oil and one-third government pension fund assets.
.. What the Norwegian Government is doing wrong is-- it's a little bit controversial, my pointing this out to them.
Just as soon as we crowded our imagination already with the image of the spear the size of a Norwegian pine, which took a certain imaginative leap on our parts, we realize that Satan and his spear are immeasurably larger even than that.
I showed them the slide that I just showed you, showing the optimal portfolio, and then I looked at the Norwegian Government's position.
As of then, I calculated the value of their oil in the North Sea and that's what I got-- it's worth about 3.5 billion Norwegian Kroner.
The Norwegian Government has pension fund assets in the amount of, as of 2006, just under two trillion Norwegian Kroner; but they also own North Sea Oil.
We went to Norway to discuss the--with the Norwegian Government-- their portfolio.