My central concern for India is that a large majority of Indians may not be benefit in front of this growth.
Their concern was not the conditions of blacks but what slavery did to whites; and usually they ended up in the same situation as Colcott Jones.
Following a transformation the study of which is not the concern of the social sciences but rather of biology and psychology, a crossing over came about from a stage where nothing had a meaning to another where everything possessed it.
And so if I have concerns, it is sort of more indirect directions I think economic growth is doing all right, it's doing quite all right, 8% and if it's not 9%, if it's 8% ,7% range that's very handsome economic growth rate that should not be weigh upon anybody's mind as a matter of concern.
That concern with the state of one's soul he tells the jury has lead him not only to impoverish himself but to turn himself away from the public business from the things that concern the city to the pursuit of private virtue.