And I want to stress this, we're going to come back to it later on in the term, so the way I'd like you to think about it for now, is that somewhere in the machine, there's a big space that contains all possible values.
Now, this is in the resting state of all cells, there's some membrane potential and neurons have this resting membrane potential also.
But luckily we don't have to worry about how we're going to picture all this, now that I said that, no physical interpretation f or a wave function, there is a physical interpretation for what a wave function squared means.
Now at this point what happens is the trumpet all the way up there.
Shelly Kagan Whether I,this person talking to you right now, is Shelly Kagan depends on whether there's some duplicate with all my memories in Michigan or not?
Its composition is influenced and determined by literary conventions and goals. Now, of course we all know that there is no such thing as purely objective history anyway. We have no direct access to past events.
But the cases of specific language impairments suggest that all of that is wrong, because there are children in this world right now who are plenty smart, who really want to communicate, and who are entirely social creatures but they can't learn language.
Right now what you want to make sure is that there is a time that's available... right now all the times are available... but that there is a time that works for you.
Now, according to quantum mechanics under the standard interpretation, that's all there is to say about it. You have an atom like that, 80 percent chance in the next 24 hours it will break down.
Now since God is himself the transcendent source of all being and since he is good, in a monotheistic system there are no evil agents that constitute a realm that opposes God as an equal rival.