He presents the Israelites with the following choice: "Now therefore revere the Lord," using the word Yahweh, "revere Yahweh, and serve him with undivided loyalty.
Now we know that Milton was blind probably well before the time he began writing Paradise Lost, and therefore, of course, he was then unable to read.
We own that property now, we own their equipment, and therefore we won the battle.
Therefore, what we have done now is, we can take all kinds of springs and we can calibrate the force they will exert under various conditions.
Fiber is related at a risk for some diseases, particularly some cancers, and therefore the low fiber intake that we have now compared to what our ancestors had is a factor.
Now in Kaufman's view the similarities, therefore, between the Israelites and Ancient Near Eastern religion and cultures that everyone was so busily finding and celebrating, these were in the end similarities in form and external structure, appearance. They weren't essential similarities.
We then look toward the end of the semester at these languages that you've might have heard of now, the acronyms therefore like HTML and HTTP, PHP and SQL and the like.