I just have to produce many, many copies of a piece of the virus, a protein, say.
But which I think despite the fact that there may be points of contact between the spiritual aspects of making art and clearly religion, I think it's a rather unnecessary demand to make of a piece of art.
It's a piece of language but it also belongs to other sorts of semiotic systems as we'll immediately see.
This decision is also hard to make because when you are a backend technology provider, it's like selling a piece of commodity.
We want to write a piece of code that helps these guys out, so I'm going to show you an example.
It's called Death and Transfiguration, and I hear this as a companion piece, a kind of pendant to the Zarathustra.
I've always been told that any serious introduction to political philosophy has to start with a big piece of Plato.
If you have a piece of scrap paper with you, suppose that you've started your program as follows.
We will probably doing it on a big piece of drawn paper so you can see it and I will have him script the words.
And so in the case of A Mask here, it's the Lord John Egerton, the Earl of Bridgewater who commissioned Milton to write a piece honoring his own inauguration in his new role as the Lord President of Wales.
And then you get that sort of lyrical moment of interpretation: "He had the feeling that everything he saw was a broken-off piece of some giant blank thing he had forgotten had happened to him."
And starting this morning i got from my wife a little piece of jade and I have been sort of in touch with my fun side.
And she's flying over the ocean, except she's really a piece of spaghetti."
So it is a very thin and quick move, one on a second, by which I mean that one electrode, one set of neurons is the a very important piece of the puzzle, but not all that you need.
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!
Up on the screen, I've got-- I commented it out, but I've got a piece of code that you've seen before, right up here. OK?