The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.
And so he's able to bear a rich extensive body of materials to talk about Shakespeare with the students.
And we bring that prejudice to bear on our interpretation of the line, then that is a constructive way into the circle according to Heidegger and Gadamer.
I will come down and speak with you there, ; and I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon them; they shall share the burden of the people with you, and you shall not bear it alone.
Okay. Famously, Dr. Johnson couldn't bear this poem, Lycidas - Dr. Johnson, the greatest of all literary critics of the eighteenth century.
He used various forms of high-energy radiation in order to make the droplets bear a charge.
There is a kind of goofiness at the center of it, "God is Pooh Bear."
Bear this in mind as you are reading the book, because it is easy to kind of forget who's talking and what they represent.
Then,the whole thing blows up and all the Bear Stearns stock is worth just about nothing; so, that's the kind of mistake you don't want to make.
s treasury secretary Hank Paulson intervened to prevent Bear sterns, re in wall street now, one of the gigantic financial institutions from collapsing altogether.
He's punishing the evil corruption of human beings that he has so lovingly created and whose degradation he can't bear to witness.
In other words, they probably bear a distant relation to the semiotics of the stoplight, and that's probably why red was chosen for ambulances and police cars: because they put into your head the notion of "stop."
I think for the moment it should be plain to you that this is a good way of understanding what the difference between a useful preconception and a useless preconception brought to bear on an interpretative act might consist in.
One of them was Bear Stearns so I don't know whether they're still on the list maybe they are maybe they're not; we might be down to nineteen.
What they're really doing is just we're facing this seize up of our financial system so we have banks that we've just seen the failure of Bear Stearns which is actually a broker-dealer.
Now that everything is did not live), it all seems a long time ago, though practically I still bear traces of the paint." Again, that parenthetical elides the death of the child.