And so he said, if you start off with a male and a female, at the end of one month they have an offspring. Let's assume they have two offspring. At the end of the next month let's assume those offspring have offspring. Again a male and female.
What's the difference between this cell which I call a committed progenitor cell and its offspring, and the offspring of that offspring.
In Genesis 3:15, God says to the snake: "I will put enmity Between you and the woman, ; And between your offspring and hers; They shall strike at your head, And you shall strike at their heel."
I think it's understandable that Milton would call the power of light "offspring of Heav'n first-born."
The animal that eats its offspring, those genes are a biological dead end.
It's now exactly that power from which Milton has been excluded by virtue of his blindness -- light: "Hail holy Light, offspring of Heav'n first-born, / Or of th' Eternal Coeternal beam May I express thee unblam'd?"
An animal who has evolved a brain that says, "Take care of your offspring" will do much better from a natural selection point of view from an animal who has evolved a brain that says, "Eat your offspring."
Gene "A" makes an animal care for its offspring.
In this case, if everything goes right, you inject the DNA into the pronucleus, you implant this fertilized egg into a foster mother, the mother gives birth to offspring, it develops and when it develops this foreign DNA is in the offspring.