So, at the very top of the file I'm just copying and pasting what was essentially on the slide a moment ago.
Well in the class session that I'll be giving I'll be talking More about the others. I hope to stimulate the Discussion. If you want more information on the slide As my contact information and you can contact me.
Well there's a clue here on the slide.
We've seen this branching construct in Scratch, we've seen it a moment ago on the slide, and see, we just need else if to use not an else, not just an if but an else if.
This first slide shows a graph of the impact of having metabolic syndrome on heart disease and its consequences.
And what we call the binding energy is this is what we saw on the last slide.
And it doesn't matter which slide he speeds up the tape of the heartbeat on, that's the one the subject is more likely to think is the person of their dreams, the person they're attracted to.
Because we find in that plane, when objects are left at what you think is at rest with no external agency acting on them, they all slide backwards towards the rear end of the plane.
So, main meanwhile is going to change, but let's fast forward to the end just to confirm that all I did was copy and paste what was on the slide a moment ago.
And so one of the points I want to make here, on this slide, is that this is a very disease-specific thing.
The other thing that's on this slide here is sort of a simple analogy that I've already described.
And what I hope to do over the course of this lecture and the lecture on Thursday, is complete what's described on this outline slide here.
He says that and then he shows an even more detailed picture, but what I want to show you on this slide is just the simple part of it.
I wanted to show you this slide here on the homework.
You do that by expressing the genes in the mice in the way that I described on the last slide and it's shown in a little bit more detail on this slide.
The graph is something I showed you on the first day of class, that over the last hundred years in particular, but what's shown on this slide is over the last 300 years.
Under-nutrition--now I'm going -this slide has a lot of information on it and I'm going to come back to it in the class where we talk about hunger, but I show it today because of course undernutrition can affect every single system of the body and can have devastating consequences on people's health.
C So here I'm declaring a variable called c, and I'm pretty much translating the formula from the slide using the characters on my keyboard to a floating point value.
The other examples on the bottom of the slide here are introducing genes that affect neighboring tissues.
The things that you need to know are the things that are really listed on this slide.
For a minute just assume that we can do this and I'm going to show you how to do it on the next slide.
That slide is on your--is in the slides that are distributed if you want to follow on that website, there's the picture that I copied yesterday.
This is the slide that I left on last time and the idea here was to use plasmids, which I talked about last Thursday, to introduce genes into animals.
Before we talk about how to do it-- and we don't have perfect ways to do it yet but I'll describe some of the ways that are used, I want to talk just briefly on this slide about what the goals for gene therapy might be.
Those B-cells also mature, they differentiate and that's what's shown on this slide here is the differentiation of those immature B-cells into mature B-cells.
I talked last time about MHC - on the last slide about MHC1.
You might have also heard about the RISC complex, or the RNA silencing complex, and these are the biological mechanisms that are involved here and only shown by orange arrows on this slide.