Now look at page 671 again on the top of the left-hand column.
which is right on the top of a big hill.
And then, on the top of 3, we get another example: "In other words we've got to get on the ball, darling, what I'm saying, otherwise it'll be fluctuating and lack of true knowledge or crystallization of our plans."
The repetition of "breast" links them, makes us see them together, side by side, one on top of the other.
Now, if you look on your handout, there's a reconstruction of this tent-like sanctuary at the top as well as a schematization of its contents below.
If you give a sign, on top of the number, that takes care of all ambiguity in one dimension.
If we overlay what the actual molecular orbital is on top of it, what you see is that in the center you end up cancelling out the wave function entirely.
I get all the voters right on top of me at position 1 and she gets everyone else, is that right?
And they type in "cappuccino" on a little terminal, which is basically a calculator on top of the cash box, and then they get $3.24 from that. They get a receipt.
So, at the very top of the file I'm just copying and pasting what was essentially on the slide a moment ago.
The sense of going back and forth, no one of us on top, not correspondent in a vertical way, how things going down there.
So a closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, with the lid on top.
You put it between two pieces of paper, then you write on the top one and it creates as copy on the bottom one.
This is the top of the left-hand column on 668.
The one that's on the top here is called ligand-gated ion channel and an ion channel is a protein that sits in the surface of a cell.
All right, before I move on, are there any questions about details of the class or requirements, or readings, or anything people are having trouble getting on top of?