So in sections where you have the opportunity to work in smaller environments with one of the teaching fellows, in office hours we have an opportunity to work one on one, hands-on in the computer lab or else we're on campus and really get personalized attention when it comes to diving into these problems.
Like, we talk to professors one on one. We have lectureships. We talk to like...
because that's really important, like one on one interaction with them.
Course assistants as we use the jargon are alumni of CS50 who return to the course for a couple of hours a week having taken it in prior years, to help you, the newest batch of students, one on one with office hours, with problem sets; and similarly do the CS function as they might in many courses.
Well, it's on one hand a very large idea to take in, particularly I think if one's working in a university.
The repetition of "breast" links them, makes us see them together, side by side, one on top of the other.
Milton's treading an extraordinarily fine line between the tremendous beauty of this image, on the one hand, and its potential impiety or just grotesquery on the other.
So these are the two basic positions: the dualist view on the one hand, the physicalist view on the other.
On one level, there are things like companies that have two . different classes of stock that are economically identical.
and the more recent one doesn't have a whole chapter on any one film, but there are lots of films analyzed.
Then the seesaw will balance, even if you put a potato on one side and an elephant on the other side.
I will only do them on one condition, and that is I want to be able to teach you what the assumptions are that underlie the points in the derivation.
You've got to put more pressure on one side than the other if you want to push that gas through the throttle, right? So this is where the time scale issue comes into play.
So our skeleton tells us that carbon is in the middle, so we'll put the h on one side, and the n on the other side there.
I don't mean divide the world as Asia on the one hand and north America on the other.
Let's listen to John Kander sit on one pitch level and then suddenly raise the whole thing up.