The term structure is one of the most interesting things in economics because it shows the price of time at various maturities.
Price competition two firms competing with one another in prices can have a Prisoners' Dilemma aspect about it.
The price of the two-period bond is 1/2 and the price of the one-period bond is 1/.
The formula is-- I could write it this way: price equals one hundred minus this.
You could set your price above his price and then no one will buy.
Effectively, you get interest from this because it's sold at a discount, so the price that you pay is equal to one hundred minus the discount.
Again, this is price divided by ten-year earnings, not one-year earnings.
So it started to drift and people started to think I think a guinea is worth more than twenty shillings and the market price drifted up to twenty-one shillings.
In essence, this collapse in stock prices -the one-day collapse in stock prices -I think in the U.S. The price was, depending on which index you were looking at, were down 21-22% in a single day.
Then the relative price of gold versus silver shifted to the point that the gold with at the twenty-one shilling exchange rate the gold shilling was worth less the gold guinea was worth less than twenty-one shilling.
It's kind of like the average price of a share adjusted for splits because you don't want the--obviously when they do a two-for-one split, the price falls in half and that's meaningless, so you want to correct for splits.
So a number of you, even if the price was just a tiny bit different might have a preference for one rather than the other, so without getting in trouble by putting the camera on you, how many of you would have a preference, if the prices were essentially the same how many of you would have a strict preference for Pepsi?
One is that -there's a literature in finance about options and stock price performance, which goes back ten years, that shows that something is not quite right with the way companies issue options.