And if I'm walking down the list, this is probably order of the length of the list s because I'm looking at each element once.
And I have this, to write it out, this is order the length of the list squared, OK?
Hmm. Well, wait a minute. If I want to sort a list, I'll take one element, I've got to look at probably a lot of the other elements in the list in order to decide where it goes. And that suggests it's going to depend on how long the list is.
Basic idea, before I even look at the code, is pretty simple. If I've got a list that is sorted, in let's call it, just in increasing order, and I haven't said what's in the list, could be numbers, could be other things, for now, we're going to just assume they're integers.
I could still do the linear case, which is order n or I could say, look, take the list, let's sort it and then search it. But in that case we said well to sort it was going to take n log n time, assuming I can do that.