For all the talk about eating cabbage and eating with ordinary people, even then Hermitage cost a lot of money.
But,there also are these strong traditions of popular Royalism, of ordinary people and peasants who believe fervently in the monarchy.
And let's keep in mind Frost's own wish to create a poetry that would reach ordinary people and would reach all kinds and sorts.
Again, this is his personal ambivalence about his own role, hanging around with ordinary people, sleeping in peasant lodgings and that sort of thing.
The noble families of Greece,and we see it already in Homer, typically claim descent from some god or other and ordinary people do not have that ability.
It was saying, we're going to have lower taxes on rich people than on ordinary people; that didn't seem fair at all, so there was a complaint aired about DPPs in the late 1950s.
Less light incorruptible here I take it in a kind of ordinary sense of the term less susceptible to bribery you can't bribe a lot of people in the way that you can a single individual.
Cereal would be--a serving of cereal would be about the amount that would fit in a wine glass, but people think that you fill up a bowl and that becomes a serving, but a typical amount of cereal that people serve themselves might be two or three times what the ordinary size is.
So, we know who the communards were, they were ordinary people; they were the ordinary workers, men and women who simply couldn't get out.
So, that's really the first context and the mobilization of many ordinary people living in Paris.
It was the most prosperous country for ordinary people anywhere.
Ruysdael painted ordinary people living and at work.
Because you're going to hear about de Gaulle and you're going to hear about fancy people, but you're also going to hear about very ordinary people who were caught up in kind of the torrent of the twentieth century and the late nineteenth century.
And here, this is Marianne being martyred by the French provisional government, and in the back is the-- is it the dawning of the social republic of the Left, that is these ordinary people who have fought so long and so hard.
They were very, very ordinary people.
He liked the company of ordinary people.