And one thing I want to tell you to start out with is something about this c h 3 group here.
He has this whole group of people out somewhere on the American frontier and they're a kind of a cult.
You'd say, "Well, you know, it kind of works out that the heads group is kind of really--heads, smart."
I don't know about that. I am not so sure." But then, we realized that like when we walk out that door, it's the whole world again. So you get sucked up by your group, by your sort of identity.
He is against singling out a particular citizen or group of people to go off and fight.
There are two points that we talked about -the hypothetical points that came out of the small group discussions that I suggested we might think about at the beginning of this talk.
So, you didn't know at the beginning, you knew you were enrolled in the trial, they gave you a shot, you didn't know whether you were part of the real group that got the test vaccine or the placebo group that got the control; turned out that Bonnie was part of the control group.
They are out there with little balls, fliers and everything, and "come, come come to our group."
Thomas Sutpen is that guy who arrives out in Alabama with a group of Haitian slaves with him.
It turns out that the group that had--were paid a dollar rated the task as much more fun than the group given twenty dollars.
The second case study of moral feeling is "in-group" and "out-group."