The kinds of things that are going to be invented over the next several years is just to me outstanding, and particularly for somebody who's got skills in software.
I'm the CEO of Google and I call the broker and I say, how many shares are outstanding?
Now as for all these data sizes, let's close one outstanding question.
I've probably lost my potential to be an outstanding cellist.
You're struck by the equality from the standpoint of riches of the dead nobility. No great distinction and no great riches either. You're dealing with a poorer world and a world that doesn't have this kind of outstanding monarchy.
So, this is an absolutely outstanding discovery, even though, if we think about it, what is the probability that this happened, how often did this happen?
And Mark has been extraordinary, as a leader, in maintaining a very high bar and at times, walking away from people who are receiving outstanding recommendations but either don't fit from a cultural standpoint or they're not going to scale and they'd be the wrong person a year or two from now.
All that matters is the ratio: how many shares I own divided by the number of shares outstanding.
So, you now have two thousand shares, but now there are twenty million shares outstanding in the company so the ratio is unchanged.
It's mine if I own one thousand shares and there are one thousand outstanding.
People don't usually know how many shares are outstanding in the company that they invest in.
What if you own one thousand shares and there are ten million outstanding?
It's changing the number of shares outstanding, so the value of the company declines by the same amount; it has to, as if they had just paid a dividend.
I talked about a company as having only shares outstanding, but they also have debt outstanding.
If we're all doing that, then that has to be what the outstanding is.
There are ten million shares outstanding-- I'm going to buy ten million shares.
Now, the critical thing to understand about a corporation is that in order to value a share in a corporation you absolutely have to know the number of shares outstanding.
It doesn't mean anything until you know how many shares are outstanding because if I own one thousand shares and then you look it up and find out how many shares are outstanding-- there are one thousand-- you say, hey I own the whole company.