How do we take a complex program, again, divide and conquer, I feel like a 1-trick pony, I keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
where you sit in a room and you're huddled over you know, whatever, you're just counting it over and over and over again.
But over and over again, if you put the bell and the food together, pretty soon the bell will generate saliva.
And so, children--which have this potential to play--are consistently canceled, over and over again. There are other examples.
Well, what we can see here is that I'm computing the same value over and over again.
He learns music by ear and maybe plays records over and over again.
It's something that will come up over and over again.
It's a unique piece because what he does is take some very basic patterns and simply repeats them over and over and over again for about fourteen and a half minutes depending upon the tempo that the conductor is taking the music.
And the purpose of this course is to show you over and over and over again that starting with those one or two laws, you can deduce everything, and I would encourage you to think the same way.
Yeah, so maybe even among your roommates, maybe you don't need a contract because you can manage to achieve the same ends, by the fact that you're going to be interacting with the same person, over and over again during your time at Yale.
James Henry Hammond starts writing in the forties and into the fifties and he takes it much further, and he writes over and over and over again that, said James Henry Hammond, is that too damn many northerners didn't understand it is the way of the world as it is, and they ought to stop talking about the world as it ought to be.
And I'll just point out here also, this is a conversion factor you'll use quite frequently -- many of you, quite on accident, will memorize it as you use it over and over again.
It's something that we have to do over and over again, that is, making up the world.
That would be a bad design for our nervous system where we want to use cells over and over again, so they're able to recover from this change in potential.
you're constantly working the same small group of muscles over and over again and
That's a phenomenal amount, and they keep going over and over again.