There were also issues about nutritional adequacy and meat turned out to be a better overall food than most plants.
cause I really, I do agree with, in love with the overall concept of what Miss America or Miss Universe represents.
Some of them are unique to one source, some are not, but ultimately the claim is that these have all been merged, and have left us then with an overall total of ten. This may in fact be true.
The right thing to do individually or collectively is to maximize, act in a way that maximizes the overall level of happiness.
Furthermore, the electron has a very tiny mass in comparison to that of the overall atom.
Sometimes it hurts and sometimes we see things that we may not like, but overall it's fun.
In our--in this particular study we had some people estimate things low and some people estimate things high, but overall, this--these would represent overestimates.
What Alexander had wanted to do was to take all these different peoples, who spoke different languages and had different customs, and use a Greek layer to sort of unite his empire overall.
There's a change in sort of the shape of the overall embryo as well.
There's no formula here, a great deal depends on the overall pattern, what your TA tells me about how you've done over the course of the semester.
Well, it has a lot of senses. But overall, Citizen Kane.
Aristotle does not rule out the possibility of such a person emerging a person of what he calls excessive virtue almost hyperbolic excellence he says who stands so far above the rest as to deserve to be the natural ruler overall.
You just want to get the overall idea of what is being said so that you're able to respond. Ok?
I think overall, there'd be about 50 fashion schools that are actually producing good work and,
Let me go back to the overall schedule before you go to the individual segment who gets in to see him.
The overall conclusions are that, with respect to asset allocation, you want to create an equity-oriented diversified portfolio.