You can deal with this by saying not just 5 km, but plus or minus 5 km.
This is the plus or minus, so the product of the uncertainty and the momentum.
So we can have, if we have the final quantum number m equal plus 1 or minus 1, we're dealing with a p x or a p y orbital.
Anything where you're actually keeping track of something like a score that's having a variable that you increment -- plus, plus, or decrement, minus, minus, using the appropriate puzzle piece could certainly be compelling.
It is the value plus or minus something.
That's equal to seven minus six minus two 3 times 4.19, or 4.19 plus 2.3.
It's always a good first approximation, because you need to start somewhere in terms of drawing Lewis structures, but then if you go and figure out the formal charge and you just have lots of charge separation or very high charges, like a plus 2 and a minus 2 and a minus 1 all different places in the atom, what it should tell you is maybe there's a better structure.
We can write out what it is for any certain atom or ion x, X so it's just x plus an electron gives us x minus.
1 Similarly, if m is equal to either plus 1 or minus 1, py we would in turn call it the p y orbital, or the p x orbital.