Okay, now the polis from the beginning, and it never stopped being what I'm about to say, chiefly agricultural communities.
The word polis appears in Homer, but it means something different from what it means throughout most of Greek history.
Can those be transferred or translated in some way to public justice, to political justice, ? justice in the polis?
So Athens was the polis for Attica, but it was also the polis for all of Attica, all that region around Athens, including villages and farms and other small towns too.
There's something else I wanted to say to indicate this notion of men being the polis as opposed to anything tangible.
Well, the polis straightens out crooked judgments, "gentles the swollen ambitions and puts an end to acts of divisional strife.
The administration of justice,which means deciding what is just, is the regulation of the partnership which is the polis.
The polis is natural in the sense that it has grown out of smaller and lesser forms of human association.
It is also pretty clear that for some after the foundation of the polis, there were no city walls.
But now, imagine that we are living in the early years of a polis sometime in the eighth century B.C.
The polis, as Aristotle as well as Plato clearly understand, is a small society, what could be called today a closed society.
Well, Aristotle and Plato,both sort of theoreticians of the polis each had an idea what's the right size for the perfect polis.
The power to know is our ability to recognize, by sight, members of the same polis or city.
But immediately,very early, you start hearing the Greeks talk about the polis in terms that are more in your mind than in touch.
The universal state will never allow for or does not allow for the kind of self-perfection that a small, self-governing polis will have.
But that's a beautiful example; they thought they had taken their polis with them, because they have had moved the entire city there.
a little of that here with you today, to go over what Aristotle is suggesting in this idea of man, the polis animal.
Does that mean that the place where these people live is not the polis? Is it only men?Well, we'll come back to that.
One of the things that come with the development of this kind of agriculture as the polis is coming into being is slavery.
Plato, being a mathematician, as Aristotle was not, decided that the perfect polis would have 5,040 citizens.
Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis.
In the literal opening, he gives what looks like a kind of natural history of the polis.
Well, one thing that emerges from these lines of Hesiod is that the polis is already there.
It doesn't really-- well, let me just say what the polis claims to do here in Homer.
These would have been these aristocratic figures who we know in the earliest days of the polis.
No, they come from the polis when its laws are good and therefore when what the government provides is eunomia rather than the opposite.
One of them is how the Greeks in the late Dark Ages and in the period in which the polis emerges, made their living.
In the same general passage he says, a man who is by nature without a polis is either more or less than a man.
What they would call a polis might only be 1000 citizens or 5000.