And this one will be particularly germane to a portion of Problem Set 1, at least in Problem Set 1.
All right, so that's what we're going to cover in terms of the energy portion of the Schrodinger equation.
The magnet creates a field which changes the polarity of a tiny, tiny portion of the metal particles which coat each platter's surface.
The homework portion of your total grade is the aggregate of all of those weekly test scores.
And in fact, if you look down- and I'm just going to highlight this portion, I'm not going to run it- but if you look down here, that's exactly what that does.
And so when you start to do this, you can now have a much more portion of your IT spending dedicated to maintenance and sustaining.
The first reading is available online and I'll talk more about the readings when I get to that portion of the lecture here.
And of course, that's what the overwhelming portion of the investment community did in the 1930s, and in the 1940s, and in the 1950s.
Portion sizes, and we'll devote a class to this later on, have gone way up and that's a big problem, the amount of processing I mentioned.
This political life came to be shared by a relatively large portion of the people and participation of political life was highly valued by the Greeks.
But if the state has the right to take my earning or the fruits of my labor, isn't that morally the same as according to the state the right to claim a portion of my labor?
You'll note -- and there's no reason you need to read more of this, but the Hughe edition only includes a small portion of the actual pamphlet So this treatise as a whole is Milton's defense of these six Presbyterian ministers who wrote a treatise criticizing the authoritarian structure of the English church.
All right. So our special effects portion of the class is over.
It ends up at the top most portion of the computer's RAM.
But medium today is not what medium used to be, and because of that people really make a lot of errors in understanding how much a portion is.
But you know, when people eat pancakes it may not be this extreme, but still, there are a lot of things that-- where the portion sizes are misestimated.