dT/dp is mu JT. So for a real gas like air, this is a positive number. It's not zero.
So, basically any time we have a really high positive number of electron affinity, it means that that atom or ion really wants to gain another electron, and it will be very stable and happy if it does so.
So if it went up yesterday, it will more likely go up today, because I'm throwing in a positive number, otherwise a negative number.
So in fact this is indeed a positive number so we didn't make a mistake in our signs.
That quantity in parenthesis, I have a mass which is a positive number. Something raised Something raised to the fourth power has got to be positive.
No positive number, no negative number. That's a zero.
You picked a positive number.
If they tend to move together, when x is high and y is high together at the same time, then the covariance will tend to be a positive number.
we learned that the average number of romantic relationships for people to take positive psychology in 4 years is between zero and one.
It could be positive or negative or complex, but it's just an ordinary number.
By the way, just to think about it a little bit, it's a positive number.
So if delta v is negative, in this case delta v is negative, OK, delta v is negative, pressure is a positive number, negative times negative is positive, work is greater than zero.
This is a positive number, p1 is smaller than p2.
If n is greater than zero, I decided I would say, "You picked a positive number, backslash n," so put the cursor on the next line, else if n was not less than zero, I say, "You picked a negative number, backslash n."
No, we can't. Because if l equals 1, we can not have m sub l equal negative 2, right, because the magnetic quantum number only goes from negative l to positive l here.
And the more positive the balance, the bigger the number, the more your life is worth living.
And then the repulsive term, some positive coefficient r and r to a very high number.
So that's just a little bit of a check for yourself, and it should make sense because what you're doing is you're calculating the difference between energy levels, so you just need to flip around which you put first to end up with a positive number here, and that's a little bit of a check that you can do what yourself.
But it's positive 1.5% per year, time-weighted--that's the number that you see in the prospectus or the number that you see in the advertisements so you say, what's the big deal, no harm no foul.
Everything inside the parenthesis is positive, so minus a positive number.
Because we've got one q1 and then we're adding q2 over q1 to it, but we've got negative q2 is a positive number.
I'm pressing on the gas. So I expect that to be a positive number. The pressure is constant 0 p. The V goes from V1 to zero.
V1 This first integral is zero V1 to V1, then I get minus p2 times V2 minus V1 or p2 times V1 minus V2. Again, 0 a positive number.
And so we have a positive charge in the nucleus which is given by the number of protons.
If when x is low, y also tends to be low, then this will be negative number and so will this, so their product is positive.
The more positive the number, the better your life.