He dismisses his brother's entirely practical argument, because for him chastity is a lot more than a simple exercise of sexual abstinence.
where you focus a lot on the practical applications of what you're learning.
Premise 2: To be a practical idealist, the foundation of it has to be the belief that change is possible.
If you want to really understand this in a practical sense, it's more as though these guys are hired hands.
In those cases, though, you'd have quite a reasonable equilibrium, spontaneously that is there would be a lot of reaction that went if you simply started under practical conditions and let it go.
Poetic and practical language: you've already been hearing this in I.A. Richards and in the New Critics.
We will debate equality and inequality, affirmative action, free speech versus hate speech, same-sex marriage, military conscription, a range of practical questions.
What is the mole? Mole is a more practical value, something that we can handle tangibly.
Still, the hedonist isn't saying from a practical point of view we can necessarily do this.
Most importantly you might say what distinguishes the gentleman as a class from the philosophers is a certain kind of knowledge or practical intelligence.
Ekman actually has a sort of more practical career along with his scientific career.
And there're other women will say, "I don't think this is religiously required of me, but it also realize I'm a practical person that I don't have alternatives right now So there are many kinds of different things of play.
So there is this story about his Uncle Hoskins who takes his horse and cart with Richard in the back and drives it into the middle of the Mississippi River as a kind of practical joke on Richard.
These things that we discovered were meant for a practical usage in ways that I will tell you about in a little while.
I think it's terribly important to keep the distinction in the back of our minds even if we find it, in practical terms, well nigh impossible and possibly even in many contexts a waste of time to be perpetually enforcing it.
Practical reason perhaps is a sense of what will work and what will not.
Of course, this is a much more practical one.
Content is a function -or let me say practical language, the purpose, in other words, of communicating facts or of communicating at all, which we associate with practical language -is a function of poetic language.
You get people around the world to think about these problems, these issues-- practical idealists who will study what works, who will study the best and through that,make a difference.
The gentleman may lack the speculative intelligence of a Socrates but he will possess that quality of practical rationality of practical judgment necessary for the administration of affairs.
There's an obvious sense in which they understand poetic languageto be that in which form is predominant and practical language to be that in which content is predominant, but the Russian formalists see it in a slightly different way.
Idealism,good intention,a lot of money wasn't practical.
I mention the names of Tolstoy Henry James and perhaps the greatest of all Jane Austen if you want to know a novelist who employs this great skill of judgment discrimination and practical reason.
It seems not enough that the philosopher have knowledge of the forms but this knowledge has to be supplemented by experience, by judgment and by a kind of practical rationality.
In other words, replacing the shortest distance between two points that we experience in a practical message, "literariness," as the formalists call it, or "poetic language," as they also sometimes call it and as the New Critics certainly call it, slows us down.
All of this in a way is another way of saying or at least implying okay that political philosophy is an imminently practical discipline a practical field.