They're derived from a precursor called triacylglyceride, which is as glycerol molecule with three fatty acid chains dangling off of it.
We talked about the artificial hip which is a modern precursor of the splint I talked about before.
If someone was telling you this story, is that the first question you would ask? So did she have a precursor? No, probably not. Okay.
He would have been what Nietzsche in an interesting precursor text calls "historical man."
I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it.
And so, you make not only water vapor, NOX but you make some nitrous oxides, NOX, or nox as it is known, and this is the precursor to smog.
So, she had a precursor. So what? Does that make any difference?
This is another thing to notice. He's not just making us experience Lolita's name the way he does; he's assuming that there are certain kinds of questions that we will ask. "Did she have a precursor?"