plastic The good prejudice is our prior awareness that plastic meant something different in the eighteenth century than it means now.
Pride and Prejudice" is amazing with him in it and...
So, we're going to talk about somebody's idea about racial prejudice, but that's not a theory of language acquisition.
Well, this reconstruction of the evolution of Israelite history, Israelite religion, excuse me, is really driven more by theological prejudice than it is by historical evidence.
And I should say at the outset-- I'm going to prejudice your listening here just a little bit.
As Gadamer says, this is the characteristic idea of the Enlightenment: its prejudice against prejudice, that we can be objective, Okay, fine. But prejudice is bad, we know prejudice is bad.
Well, other than prejudice, what would stop us from saying the program was being creative?
Aristophanes is the one who created the original or the initial prejudice against Socrates.
But actually, the thing I want to think about is a crude pun there, a "fairy" tale. Proust is himself gay. One of his big subjects is homosexuality, and Nabokov's reaction to this is really homophobic. This is not just about Nabokov's personal prejudice.
Having learned, or having agreed, let's say, with my prejudice, which is that the Higher Naivete must reign -and if the Greeks said it happened, you got to believe it happened, until you have to believe that it didn't happen.
We talked about the sense that, I think, young people have a sort of prejudice against the field and they think that finance is a field that you go into if you really value money rather than people.
In other words, this is an example of good and bad prejudice, right?
I say it may simply be our prejudice that he didn't.
And this is an issue I'm going to talk about now but I'm going to return to next week when we deal with issues such as liking and disliking, racial prejudice and other things.
That seems to me to be prejudice, as I said last time.
What, other than prejudice, would stop us from saying that?
They needn't be thought of as vulgar prejudices, one of which is in fact the "prejudice against prejudice."
What was that prejudice that Aristophanes ? this comic poet had created?
In response to that, I just want to say, "Isn't that just prejudice?"
Typically, we are oblivious to these factors that change our points and this is, in fact, a substantial and an important part of the study of psychology, and particularly, for instance, the study of racial and sexual prejudice.
We know what prejudice has wrought historically and socially, so how can we try to vindicate it in this way?
And we bring that prejudice to bear on our interpretation of the line, then that is a constructive way into the circle according to Heidegger and Gadamer.
In other words, Iser is no more an historicist than Gadamer is but insists rather on the mutual exchange of prejudice between the two horizons in question.
Well, Gadamer doesn't talk about this obviously, but it is an aspect of that prejudice that one might share with tradition if one weren't somewhat more critical than this gesture of sharing might indicate.