He presents the Israelites with the following choice: "Now therefore revere the Lord," using the word Yahweh, "revere Yahweh, and serve him with undivided loyalty.
So only one thing what I bought there, and I'm buying presents usually in Chinatown,
So what O'Connor does, is she presents a sense of the world imbued with structure and meaning, but a structure and meaning that looks essentially blank.
It presents itself in the long tradition of what has come to be called the mirror of princes.
And I found that that increases their knowledge and understanding of actually what the company does tremendously, because somebody comes in, presents for an hour, "Here's what we're doing in China."
Because of Western civilization's emergence as the exemplary civilization, it also presents problems to the whole world.
Because I don't see the compassion, it presents a false sort of beauty that doesn't go to what is really going on in my soul, which is very conflicted often. -Right.
Shakespeare presents himself as something like a powerful temptation in this mask.
And in this quest for what is best, positive psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception,or hand waving; instead,it tries to adapt what is best in the scientific method to the unique problems that human behavior presents " in all its complexity."
that's one way to think about it, and there's also another way, and this is the way that your book presents it. If you, in fact, have two of the same atom right next to each other, let's say you have a crystal, or let's say you're talking about a metal, what you can do is just look at the distance between the two nuclei, and split that in 1/2, and take the atomic radius that way.
In Ekman's work, he presents us with instructions on how to make different faces and identify faces.
We're going to hear the beginning of this and he presents this as a series of variations.
We've got to get these presents distributed.
and just celebrate the day indoors with presents and with a large dinner.
If the Apology presents the philosopher's case against the city, Socrates' case against the city, the Crito presents the city's case against the philosopher.
He presents them as beings who are unworthy of our worship.