In that respect, it has a kind of priority over the hells or the underworlds of Homer and Virgil.
Two quotations, the first the president Bush " "Passing a new growth package is our most pressing economic priority."
What I may decide about, what comes to the Faith Council is advancing some of the priority areas that the President has set forth one of which is interfaith cooperation.
So as a very "grave author" - and this is what Chudleigh is implying -- Milton can tell us something potentially true about the priority of the sexes.
So we had of the group having a very high priority.
And that's essentially what we saw people have more nucleus accumbens activation priority choice " they are more likely to choose that stock.
Today you might say political scientists and social scientists they're more modest in ascribing priority to any particular branch of knowledge.
Starvation was a major threat on the left but not on the right, and the top priority on the left was to bank energy.
Not nearly with the priority we should be If we were, we would be first of all thinking about how to build a north Atlantic..
That is a very strong statement about the priority of community and it's very different from the values that we saw in the Iliad and the Odyssey.
And so similarly as Gmail's priority inbox, it's gonna be pretty flawed for a lot of us at least initially because it just doesn't know the answers a priori correctly unless we teach it or program it to be better. There is also another flaw in here or multiple flaws arguably.
What is significant about this, I think, is the priority that Hobbes gives to rights over duties.
It's a priority status in the great hereafter. This is Milton's argument.
But for Aristotle it is not the liberty of the individual so much as the functioning or functional well-being of the city that is the highest priority.
Not because you necessarily need it at the moment but your brain tells you you may need it later and so eat, eat, eat becomes the priority.
His first priority was protecting the country.