This day is separated from all other days by additional rules and observances in keeping with its profound holiness.
Somebody with a severe and profound loss of mental faculties-- the deficit will be shown correspondingly in her brain.
But even as black Baptist, I could have gone certain black Baptist and run out, because I must struggle against homophobia, and my profound love for gay brothers and lesbian sisters.
There's nothing profound about this, other than the understanding that the details of how you set these things up can matter a lot.
Yet, for all of this, one might say there is still a profound enigma surrounding Aristotle's political works.
It's a profound sense of jeopardy-- physical, mortal jeopardy and I want to point to those "huge, wobbly, white bags, like the full udders of cows."
These are very profound changes, and it has led to the humans that we are today.
That was very profound.
I don't find that my analysis is profound in the final answer, I just took some estimates using my data and, again, we could-- if someone wanted to argue with us they could argue with my estimates of the expected returns of the standard deviations and the covariances, but not with this theory.
And because of his reputation as a genius people said, "Wow. That's very profound. I wonder what he means."
So, suppose I have a theory that the reason why some children have autism, a profound developmental disorder, is because their mothers don't love them enough.
And what this means is that common sense tells us that somebody can be the same person even if their body undergoes radical and profound changes.
Among the great thinkers there is profound disagreement over the answers to even the most fundamental questions concerning justice concerning rights concerning liberty.
The utopianism of the book is, in many ways, the reverse side of the sense of profound disillusionment that he felt at the actual experience of the Athenian polis.
It is a wonderful conversation with profound.
He's the most famous psychologist ever and he's had a profound influence on the twentieth and twenty-first century.