One social class does not owe anything to another and we should not feel guilty about pursuing financial interests.
but I think that I am continuously pursuing it
So that's why we do it and there's no shame in pursuing profits and getting it out to your shareholders.
He was thinking about doing a PhD in political science and pursuing a diplomatic career, but he was also drawn to science.
So that is really the design for the activity that we have been pursuing since dean done this convened educational technology task force in 1999.
One thirteenth-century Egyptian papyrus describes Egypt's tight control of her border areas, and another reports some Egyptian officials pursuing some runaway slaves Obviously this happened from time to time, escaping into the desert.
Maybe you could spend 50 or 100 years pursuing philosophy as your career.
Because people feel guilty about pursuing their own happiness.
You might think, given all this, and given the ultimate plot of On the Road, that being on the road is about pursuing that kind of desire, and that it is necessitated by leaving home: you have to leave home in order to pursue that desire.
like for NYU Tisch, I think it's much more about pursuing theater, like on stage,
They're aspects of demand for performance at the highest level, and at the time there is a great deal of blaming people for pursuing such things instead of humility.
You want to spend your time and energy pursuing the most inefficiently priced asset classes because there's an enormous reward for identifying the top quartile venture capitalist and almost no reward for being in the top quartile of the high- quality bond universe.
Most recently--A few years ago, we were living in a regime of negative real interest rates, when the Fed was pursuing a very aggressive monetary policy.
It is "you are ill because you don't have enough health in your life, " because you are not pursuing those things that make you healthy".
And then 50 or 100 years pursuing math as your career.
It's because their pursuing something rather than running away from something-- " it is called "approach rather than avoidance goals"-- we'll talk about that during the week on goals.