Four times the number of pigs plus two times the number of chickens, assuming they're not next to a nuclear reactor, is 56.
If I charged the reactor in this manner, and of course I'm assuming 100% completion of the reaction which we know is overly optimistic.
You bring iron ore from one part of the planet, carbon, limestone, you put it into this reactor and you ship this all over the world.
There may be some inefficiencies, and at some point, if you catch me in the hallway, I can give you a sermon on what goes on inside that reactor.
This is titanium sponge that comes out of the bottom of this reactor, and it subsequently re-melted in a vacuum arc furnace.
And at the end of the reaction, you have the reactor consumed of titanium tetrachloride magnesium.
So, in other words, what happens if we put a bunch of elements, compounds into a reactor but they are not in the balanced amounts?