As every time we introduce a new programming concept, we'll relate it back, as we have been doing consistently, to defensive programming.
One class that I thought was very interesting that doesn't relate with my career so much was a family law class.
Because I really want to understand what it is like for a son and a father to relate each other.
I know I only need 2, so I can relate dV dV to dp through the ideal gas law.
All right. Now the question, "How does literary theory relate to the history of criticism?"
If evolution wired us up simply to survive, then it's a puzzle why animals would relate positively to other animals.
If you quantify how much they relate, then you could look at the correlation.
But once we do that I think people can relate to it.
So, if we start instead with talking about the energy levels, we can relate these to frequency, because we already said that frequency is related to, or it's equal to the initial energy level here minus the final energy level there over Planck's constant to get us to frequency.
But real people, not just cartoons, you can relate to.
How did that relate to the first movement?
So at the end of this first lecture where I've gone some way I am trying to tell you what Biomedical Engineering is about, I thought I would try to relate it in a different sort of way.
How do the components of A in the new rotated coordinate system relate to the components of the old coordinate system?
在旋转后的新坐标系中 A 的分量,和原始坐标系中 A 的分量有什么关联呢
Well, if you relate it to American cuisine, there is a lot of stuff that's different than what you would imagine.
And, in the final development of your paper, making sure that those two can relate to one another.
It also seems to relate these poems to folk forms and to the wisdom of the folk. Jane speaks in praise of love, in praise of satisfaction.