He wants to replace that with a new kind of, I want to call it rational citizenship, philosophical citizenship.
We can replace the coffee with decaffeinated coffee.
They thought, for example, if you could do something with one element, if you looked at an element very close to it, it would be similar enough that you could maybe replace it with that.
Take the fattest marking pen you have, scratch that out and replace it with atomic hydrogen.
Socrates wants to replace the warrior citizen with a new kind of citizen a whole new set you might say of citizen virtues.
So, what they do is what's called, "Systematic desensitization," which is they expose you to what causes you the fear but they relax you at the same time so you replace the aversive classical conditioned fear with something more positive.
Just swapping them, right? I temporarily hold on to what's in the i'th element so I can move the i plus first one in, and then replace that with the i'th element.
This is only true for an ideal gas. Since it's true for an ideal gas, then we can go ahead and replace this with Cv, and then we have Cp=Cv+R Cp with Cv plus R, which is what we were after.
It's looking at the problem that certain troubled institutions have that their assets can't be sold and it's just saying okay we'll replace them with assets that can be sold.
Take these two equations, put an equal sign between them, replace this PR throughout with X, I'm going to have one equation and one unknown and that even the math phobics in the audience did in high school.
But Socrates ultimately wants to replace military combat with a new kind of you might call it verbal facility verbal combat in which again the person with the best argument is declared to be victorious.
Construction is a combination of workmanship and choice of materials. Take this computer, if I pull the silicon out, I replace it with gallium arsenide, leave everything else the same.
This raises the question whether it is possible to transform politics to replace enmity and factional conflict with friendship to replace conflict with harmony?
We want to do that because we have too many variables here. We've already got dV p we'll get rid of p as an additional variable and replace it with V which is already in here.