And what was happening on the police scanner was really interesting because you had ambulances and fire trucks and police cars constantly reporting where they are and what they're doing.
I'm actually, today, freelance writing and reporting for Glamour magazine, to the fashion magazine here.
What in the hell is all of this doing here? Milton's reporting to the English people how he imagines his future literary fame.
They were making risky investments but they weren't reporting them properly on the SEC forms, so people didn't know how risky Enron was.
It can't be that what's going on in near-death experiences is that people are reporting about what it's like to be dead because-- so the objection says-- they never really died.
So you needed some way of reporting.
So you have to admit in fact it was surprising if only 1/4 teenager girls that everybody ask on the date by someone they don't like to go out with, let alone has been some sexual harassment, or sexual molestation, or sexual stocking, which was the lover of language that was used mostly in the media in reporting them.
The new ones are going to be heavy, so that's great reporting.
That the average--- the people were reporting consuming eleven, 1200 calories or something, but when their food intake was actually measured it was over 2 000 calories.
And yet, the shock and surprise that faces, that overcomes him when he actually has to face his mortality, strongly suggests that he's reporting correctly.