Try it again. So, sure enough, changing the bias changed the price, and even changed it in the right direction.
So we have to work with him and push him in the right direction.
I'm going to get back to your answer in a second because you're heading in the right direction.
And it follows qualitatively from just your ordinary observations a bout the direction in which things go spontaneously, right.
So the idea here is shooting to the left if you're right footed is the natural direction, so left here means the natural direction.
That's what this arrow at the right shows, the direction of the flow of information.
So, what this means is that when we're looking at an actual wave function, we're treating it as a wave, right, so waves can have both magnitude, but they can also have a direction, so they can be either positive or negative.
It says, if you pull it to the right, so that x is positive, the spring will exert a force which is in the negative direction; that's why you have a minus sign.
就是说,如果你向右拉,x 取正值,弹簧产生的力方向为负,这就是这里用负号的原因
So I'm going to put the left and right in inverted commas here because actually what they did was they corrected for people's natural direction and not natural direction.