The rise time and the peak energy and the sustained duration of some of these sounds are highly detrimental to our hearing.
And if you do that over the fullness of time, your reinforcement and punishment will give rise to a pig who walks forward.
Because as we'll talk about next time, rates of depression are on the rise, rates of anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally.
But then of course, the rise of the Enlightenment is also the rise of anthropocentrism, and by the time the Enlightenment is in full cry you get everybody from Blake to Marx to Nietzsche saying not that God invented man, but that man invented God.
They had no time to allow the dough to rise.
Well according to one school of thought ; there isn't anything particularly revolutionary about monotheism; and the classical account of the rise of monotheism, that has prevailed for a very long time, runs as follows, and I have a little flow chart here to illustrate it for you.